Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference
180 nsslapd-cachememsize
This performance tuning-related attribute specifies the size, in bytes, for the available memory
space for the entry cache. The simplest method is limiting cache size in terms of memory occupied.
Activating automatic cache resizing overrides this attribute, replacing these values with its own
guessed values at a later stage of the server startup.
The BerkeleyDB documentation
offers a good explanation of what the entry cache is, along with
management information like how to monitor the cache with db_stat -m.
The nsslapd-cachememsize attribute also defines the import buffer size. The
import buffer size is automatically configured to be 80% of whatever the nsslapd-
cachememsize setting is. When importing databases with very large attributes, be
sure to reset the nsslapd-cachememsize value to something high enough so
that .80*cacheSize is enough to allow the import to proceed.
Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer (on 32-bit
systems) returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message with additional error information
explaining the problem.
The performance counter for this setting goes to the highest 64-bit integer, even on
32-bit systems, but the setting itself is limited on 32-bit systems to the highest 32-bit
integer because of how the system addresses memory.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range 500 kilobytes to 2
-1 on 32-bit systems and to
-1 on 64-bit systems
Default Value 10,485,760 (10 megabytes)
Syntax Integer
Example nsslapd-cachememsize: 10485760 nsslapd-directory
This attribute specifies the path to the database instance. If it is a relative path, it starts from the
path specified by nsslapd-directory in the global database entry cn=config, cn=ldbm
database, cn=plugins, cn=config. The database instance directory is named after the
instance name and located in the global database directory, by default. After the database instance
has been created, do not modify this path, because any changes risk preventing the server from
accessing data.