
Database Link Attributes under cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config
203 nsFarmServerURL
This attribute gives the LDAP URL of the remote server. A farm server is a server containing data in
one or more databases. This attribute can contain optional servers for failover, separated by spaces. If
using cascading changing, this URL can point to another database link.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Values Any valid remote server LDAP URL
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsFarmServerURL: ldap://
farm1.example.com:389 ldap://
farm2.example.com:1389 nsMultiplexorBindDn
This attribute gives the DN of the administrative entry used to communicate with the remote server.
The multiplexor is the server that contains the database link and communicates with the farm server.
This bind DN cannot be the Directory Manager, and, if this attribute is not specified, the database link
binds as anonymous.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Values
Default Value DN of the multiplexor
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsMultiplexorBindDn: cn=proxy manager nsMultiplexorCredentials
Password for the administrative user, given in plain text. If no password is provided, it means that
users can bind as anonymous. The password is encrypted in the configuration file. The example
below is what is shown, not what is typed.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=database_link_name, cn=chaining database,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Values Any valid password, which will then be encrypted
using the DES reversible password encryption
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsMultiplexorCredentials: {DES} 9Eko69APCJfF