db2bak.pl (Creates a Backup of a Database)
Option Description
-P bindCert Specifies the path, including the filename, to the
certificate database that contains the certificate
used for binding.
-r replicaRoots Specifies the replica-roots whose changelog
to dump. When specifying multiple roots, use
commas to separate roots. If the option is
omitted, all the replica roots will be dumped.
-v Prints the version of the script.
-w bindPassword Specifies the password for the bind DN.
Table 7.19. cl-dump.pl command options
7.4.3. db2bak.pl (Creates a Backup of a Database)
Creates a backup of the database.
db2bak.pl [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } [ -a dirName ] [ -t db_type ]
The script db2bak.pl creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. The entry is
generated based upon the values provided for each option. Currently, the only possible database type
is ldbm.
Option Description
-a dirName The directory where the backup files will
be stored. The /var/lib/dirsrv/
slapd-instance_name/bak directory is
used by default. The backup file is named
according to the year-month-day-hour format
-D rootdn The user DN with root permissions, such as
Directory Manager. The default is the DN of
the Directory Manager, which is read from the
nsslapd-root attribute under cn=config.
-j filename The name of the file containing the password.
-t The database type. Currently, the only possible
database type is ldbm.
-v Verbose mode.
-w password The password associated with the user DN.
-w - Prompts for the password associated with the
user DN.
Table 7.20. db2bak.pl Options