Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts
7.4.6. fixup-memberof.pl (Regenerate memberOf Attributes)
Regenerates and updates memberOf on user entries to coordinate changes in group membership.
To run this script, the server must be running. The script creates an entry in the directory that launches
this dynamic task.
fixup-memberof.pl -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } -b baseDN [ -f filter ] [ -v ]
Option Description
-b baseDN The DN of the subtree containing the entries to
-D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, such
as Directory Manager. The default is the DN of
the Directory Manager, which is read from the
nsslapd-root attribute under cn=config.
-f filter An LDAP query filter to use to select the entries
within the subtree to update. If there is no filter
set, then the memberOf attribute is regenerated
for every entry in the subtree.
-j filename The name of the file containing the password.
-v Verbose mode.
-w password The password associated with the user DN.
-w - Prompts for the password associated with the
user DN.
Table 7.23. fixup-memberof.pl Options
7.4.7. ldif2db.pl (Import)
To run this script, the server must be running. The script creates an entry in the directory that launches
this dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Ellipses
indicate that multiple occurrences are allowed.
ldif2db.pl [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } { -n backendInstance |
-s includeSuffix } [ -x excludeSuffix ] [ -O ] [ -c ] [ -g string ] [ -G namespaceId ] [ -i
filename ] [ -E ]