nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement (Object Class)
nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod Specifies the method (SSL or simple
authentication) to use for binding.
nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds the
Directory Server should wait after the Windows
server sends back a busy response before
making another attempt to acquire access.
nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup Shows the number of changes sent since the
Directory Server started.
nsDS5ReplicaCredentials Specifies the credentials for the bind DN.
nsDS5ReplicaHost Specifies the hostname for the Windows
domain controller of the Windows server being
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd States when the last total update
(resynchronization) of the Windows server
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart States when the last total update
(resynchronization) of the Windows server
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus The status for the total update
(resynchronization) of the Windows server.
nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd States when the most recent update ended.
nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart States when the most recent update started.
nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus Provides the status for the most recent updates.
nsDS5ReplicaPort Specifies the port number for the Windows
nsDS5ReplicaRoot Specifies the root suffix DN of the Directory
nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds the
Directory Server should wait between update
nsDS5ReplicaTimeout Specifies the number of seconds outbound
LDAP operations will wait for a response from
the Windows server before timing out and failing.
nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo Specifies the type of transport used for
transporting data to and from the Windows
nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress States whether an update is in progress.
nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule Specifies the synchronization schedule.
nsDS50ruv Manages the internal state of the Directory
Server sync peer using the replication update
vector (RUV).
nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree Specifies the Directory Server suffix (root or sub)
that is synced.