Postal Address String Syntax Plug-in
Storage Scheme Name Usage Notes
compatibility for any entries stored in the
directory with passwords encrypted with the NS-
MTA-MD5 password storage scheme.
SHA If there are no passwords encrypted using the
SHA password storage scheme, this plug-in can
be turned off.
Instead of encrypting passwords with the
SHA password storage scheme, Red Hat
recommends choosing SSHA instead because it
is more secure.
SHA256 Use SHA256 or higher to encrypt passwords
because these are stronger encryption schemes.
SHA384 This storage scheme is recommended for
password storage because of its strength.
SHA512 This storage scheme is recommended for
password storage because of its strength.
SSHA This is recommended instead of SHA because
it is a stronger encryption screen. However, Red
Hat recommends using at least the SSHA256
storage scheme or higher because these are
stronger schemes.
SSHA256 Use SSHA256 or higher to encrypt passwords
because these are stronger encryption schemes.
SSHA384 This storage scheme is recommended for
password storage because of its strength.
SSHA512 This storage scheme is recommended for
password storage because of its strength.
Table 3.3. Password Storage Plugins
3.1.26. Postal Address String Syntax Plug-in
Plug-in Parameter Description
Plug-in Name Postal Address Syntax
DN of Configuration Entry cn=Postal Address Syntax,cn=plugins,cn=config
Description Syntax used for handling postal addresses
Configurable Options on | off
Default Setting on
Configurable Arguments None
Dependencies None
Performance Related Information Do not modify the configuration of this plug-
in. Red Hat recommends leaving this plug-in
running at all times.