Database Link Plug-in Attributes (Chaining Attributes)
195 nsAttributeEncryption (Object Class)
This object class is used for core configuration entries which identify and encrypt selected attributes
within a Directory Server database.
This object class is defined in Directory Server.
Superior Class
Required Attributes
objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry.
cn Specifies the attribute being encrypted using its
common name.
The encryption cipher used. nsEncryptionAlgorithm
nsEncryptionAlgorithm selects the cipher used by nsAttributeEncryption. The algorithm
can be set per encrypted attribute.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=attributeName, cn=encrypted attributes,
cn=databaseName, cn=ldbm database,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Values The following are supported ciphers:
• Advanced Encryption Standard Block Cipher
• Triple Data Encryption Standard Block Cipher
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsEncryptionAlgorithm: AES
3.5. Database Link Plug-in Attributes (Chaining Attributes)
The database link plug-in attributes are also organized in an information tree, as shown in the
following diagram: