access control instruction See ACI.
access control list See ACL.
access rights In the context of access control, specify the level of access granted
or denied. Access rights are related to the type of operation that can
be performed on the directory. The following rights can be granted or
denied: read, write, add, delete, search, compare, selfwrite, proxy and
account inactivation Disables a user account, group of accounts, or an entire domain so
that all authentication attempts are automatically rejected.
ACI An instruction that grants or denies permissions to entries in the
See Also access control instruction.
ACL The mechanism for controlling access to your directory.
See Also access control list.
All IDs Threshold Replaced with the ID list scan limit in Directory Server version 7.1.
A size limit which is globally applied to every index key managed by
the server. When the size of an individual ID list reaches this limit, the
server replaces that ID list with an All IDs token.
See Also ID list scan limit.
All IDs token A mechanism which causes the server to assume that all directory
entries match the index key. In effect, the All IDs token causes the
server to behave as if no index was available for the search request.
anonymous access When granted, allows anyone to access directory information without
providing credentials, and regardless of the conditions of the bind.
approximate index Allows for efficient approximate or "sounds-like" searches.
attribute Holds descriptive information about an entry. Attributes have a label
and a value. Each attribute also follows a standard syntax for the type
of information that can be stored as the attribute value.
attribute list A list of required and optional attributes for a given entry type or
object class.
authenticating directory
In pass-through authentication (PTA), the authenticating Directory
Server is the Directory Server that contains the authentication
credentials of the requesting client. The PTA-enabled host sends PTA
requests it receives from clients to the host.