Alternatively, the index task can be used to generate virtual list view (VLV) indexes for an attribute
using the nsIndexVLVAttribute attribute. This is the same as running the vlvindex script.
For example:
dn: cn=example presence index, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: example presence index
nsIndexAttribute: "cn:pres"
dn: cn=example VLV index, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: example VLV index
nsIndexVLVAttribute: "by MCC ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
As the index operation runs, the task entry will contain all of the server-generated task attributes listed
in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks”.
This attribute gives the name of the attribute to index and the types of indexes to apply. The format of
the attribute value is the attribute name and a comma-separated list of index types, enclosed in double
quotation marks. For example:
nsIndexAttribute: attribute:index1,index2
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config
Valid Values Any attribute
The index type, which can be pres (presence),
eq (equality), approx (approximate), and sub
Default Value
Syntax Case-insensitive string, multi-valued
Example nsIndexAttribute: "cn:pres,eq"
nsIndexAttribute: "description:sub"
This attribute gives the name of the target entry for a VLV index. A virtual list view is based on a
browsing index entry (as described in the Administrator's Guide), which defines the virtual list base
DN, scope, and filter. The nsIndexVLVAttribute value is the browsing index entry, and the VLV
creation task is run according to the browsing index entry parameters.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config
Valid Values Any attribute
The index type, which can be pres (presence),
eq (equality), approx (approximate), and sub