Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference
Attribute Definition
cn Specifies the common name of the entry.
Allowed Attributes
Attribute Definition
description Gives a text description of the entry.
localityName Gives the city or geographical location of the
ou Gives the organizational unit or division to which
the account belongs.
seeAlso Contains a URL to another entry or site with
related information.
replicaroot Stores the root suffix to be replicated.
replicaHost Stores the replica server's host name.
replicaPort Stores the replica server's port number.
replicaBindDn Stores the bind DN for the replica server.
replicaCredentials Stores a password of replicaBindDn.
replicaBindMethod Specifies the bind method.
replicaUseSSL Specifies a flag whether or not to use SSL.
replicaUpdateSchedule Schedule when the replica update occurs.
replicaUpdateReplayed Stores the last replicated change number.
replicaUpdateFailedAt Stores the timestamp of the last failed update
replicaBeginORC Sets whether to delete existing databases before
beginning replication.
replicaNickname Identifies the name for the replication agreement.
replicaEntryFilter Identifies the entries to be replicated.
replicatedAttributeList Identifies attribute list to be replicated.
replicaCFUpdated Stores the status of copiedFrom.
replicaAbandonedChanges Contains change numbers which are not
replicaLastRelevantChange Stores the last relevant change. replicaAbandonedChanges
This attribute contains change numbers for modifications or entries which are not replicated.
OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.218
Syntax DirectoryString
Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued