Note: The weather forecast accuracy is approximately 70%.
Display shows forecasted, not current conditions. The SUNNY icon indicates clear
weather, even when displayed during the night-time.
Understanding the Moon Phase Diagram
UV Mode
The current UV intensity is indicated by the numerical value and more intuitive display,
by categorizing it into the levels “LOW”, “MED”, HIGH”, V. HIGH” and EXTREME.
It is also represented by a comfort icon that corresponds to different levels.
The main unit records the daily and weekly maximum UV intensity. Values may be
displayed in MED/h or UVI.
Accessing UV Mode
From the main unit: Press UP or DOWN until the UV icon
on the display will
flash. From the handheld remote control: Press
Viewing UV Statistics
In UV Mode press the MEMORY button viewing either current UV intensity, daily
Maximum UV intensity with “DAILY MAX” displayed or weekly Maximum UV
intensity with a “WEEKLY MAX” displayed.
Resetting the UV Statistics Memory
In UV Mode, press and hold MEMORY to reset all UV statistics.
Setting Units for UV Display (MED/h or UVI)