Getting Started 21
E-EQ-MX5PCRG-F-ARC MX5 Reference Guide
Set The Audio Speaker Volume
Note: An application may override the control of the speaker volume. Turning off sounds saves
power and prolongs battery life.
The audio volume can be adjusted to a comfortable level for the user. The MX5 has an internal
speaker and a jack for an external headset.
Using the Keypad
Note: Sounds & Reminders (Windows icon | Settings | Personal tab | Sounds &
Reminders[Pocket PC 2000] | Sounds & Notifications [Pocket PC 2002]) must have the
options below “Enable sounds for” enabled before the following key sequences will
adjust the volume.
To adjust speaker volume, locate the <V> key and the Blue key.
Adjust the speaker volume by pressing the:
• Blue key, then the <V> key to enter Volume change mode.
• Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to adjust volume until the speaker volume is
• Press the Enter key to exit this mode.
Using the Touch Screen
Pocket PC 2000 Tap the Windows icon | Settings | Personal tab | Sounds & Reminders icon.
Then select the Volume tab.
Pocket PC 2002 Tap the Windows icon | Settings | Personal tab | Sounds & Notifications
icon. Then select the Notifications tab.
Change the volume setting and tap OK to save the change. You can also select / deselect sounds
for key clicks and screen taps and whether each is loud or soft. As the volume scrollbar is moved
between Loud and Silent, the computer beeps each time the volume increases or decreases in
decibel range.
Sounds specific to primary events are selected using the options on the Sounds tab.
Reminder tones are selected using the options on the Reminders tab.