76 System Configuration
MX5 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5PCRG-F-ARC
File Description
Pocket PC 2000: When it executes, if any CABs are not present, a dialog
box will appear that states “Double-tap a CAB file to install its
application.” The user needs to tap OK to remove the dialog box (or
boxes) and the MX5 will complete the boot process.
WaitInit.exe Called by JmpStart.cld to delay unpacking the CB files until after cold
boot initialization has completed.
CAB Files The following CAB files are optional and may or may not be present:
LUCENT.CAB Lucent radio driver and utilities.
CISCO.CAB Cisco radio driver and utilities.
RFTERM.CAB RFTerm terminal emulation application.
API Calls
The LXE specific API calls for the MX5 running Windows Pocket PC 2002 are included in the
“LXE CE API Programming Guide.”
This document lists only the LXE-specific API calls and details which calls from the standard
LXE API are and are not supported on the MX5. It is intended as an appendix to the standard
Microsoft Windows CE .NET API documentation. The APIs detailed in the Programming Guide
are included in the file LXEAPI.DLL..
These LXE specific API calls and registry settings cover the following:
• Battery
• Power Management
• Scanner
• Serial Ports
• Version Control
• Miscellaneous