Furuno DS-60 SONAR User Manual

1.6 How to Change Units of Measurement
The UNIT key selects the unit of measurement for current (tide) speed, depth, dis-
tance, Doppler SOG and STW, GPS SOG, and wind speed.
Single data display
Press the UNIT key to select a unit of measurement.
Multiple data display
1. Press the UNIT key. A unit is highlighted in yellow.
In the example of the navigation data display shown below, the speed unit is high-
2. Press the DISP key to select the data for which to change its unit. (Use the MENU/
ESC key to reverse the selection order.)
3. Press the UNIT key to change the unit. See the table below for item and available
To quit the unit selection, press the DISP or MENU/ESC key until the yellow highlight
Item Available units
Berthing display range meters/DIV (m/DIV), nautical miles/DIV (NM/DIV)
Current (tide) speed knots (kn), meters/second (m/s)
Distance kilometers (km), nautical miles (NM)
Depth fathoms (fm), feet (ft), meters (m)
Ground tracking (SOG)
Water tracking (STW)
kilometers/hour (km/h), knots (kn), meters/second (m/s)
Wind speed knots (kn), meters/second (m/s), miles/hour (mph)
Highlight (yellow)