6.5 Diagnostics
The DS-60 has tests that check the system (Display Unit, Distributor Unit, Transceiver
Unit), Display Unit only, and LCD.
6.5.1 System test
The system test checks the Display Unit, Distributor Unit and Transceiver Unit for cor-
rect operation.
1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.
2. Select [TESTS] then press the ENT key.
3. Select [System TEST].
4. Press the ENT key. The results of the display unit test appear.
Description of test results for the Display Unit DS-600
• The results of the ROM and RAM check are shown as OK (normal) or NG (No
Good). For any NG, reset the power and try the test again. If the NG condition
continues, contact your dealer for instruction.
• "SENSOR" shows the results of the connection test with DS-610. OK for nor-
mal, no indication if there is error.
STARTER PROG No. 6652000-xx.xx
BOOTER PROG No. 6652001-xx.xx
MAIN PROG No. 6652002-xx.xx
REMOTE PROG No. 2651009-xx.xx
DIMMER PROG No. 2651009-xx.xx