2.2.3 Depth measurement reference
The depth can be measured from below the keel (fed from external source), or below
the transducer. The depth data can be supplied by the transducer of the DS-60 or an
external transducer.
1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.
2. Select [Scale Set Up] then press the ENT key.
3. Select [Depth REF] then press the ENT key.
4. Select desired depth measurement reference then press the ENT key.
[EXT DBK]: Depth Below the Keel, measured by external equipment
[EXT DBT]: Depth Below the Transducer, measured by other transducer
[INT DBT]: Depth Below the Transducer, measured by the transducer of the
5. Press the DISP key to close the menu.
2.2.4 Current direction
The direction of tide currents can be shown as flowing from or flowing to. The current
direction indicator (blue triangle marker) is inside the 3-axis speed display for flowing
to and outside the display for flowing from. (See the figure on the next page.)
1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.
2. Select [Scale Set Up] then press the ENT key.
3. Select [CUR Direction] then press the ENT key.
4. Select [Flow to] or [Flow from] then press the ENT key.