VDR - Set and Drift
VHW - Water Speed and Heading
VLW - Dual Ground/Water Distance
VTG - Course Over the Ground and Ground Speed
See VTG at input sentences section.
$ ** VDR, x.x, T, x.x, M, x.x, N, *hh <CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Direction, degree True
2. T
3. Direction, degree Magnetic
4. Magnetic
5. Current speed, knots
6. N
$ ** VHW, x.x, T, x.x, M, x.x, N, x.x, K *hh <CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Heading, degrees true
2. T
3. Heading, degrees magnetic (no use)
4. (no use)
5. Speed, knots
6. N
7 Speed, km/h
8. K
$ ** VLW, x.x, N, x.x, N, x.x, N, x.x, N, *hh <CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Total cumulative water distance, nautical miles
2. Nautical miles
3. Water distance since reset
4. Nautical miles
5. Total cumulative ground distance (no use)
6. nautical miles (no use)
7. Ground distance since reset (no use)
8. Nautical miles (no use)