4. Select an empty number then press the ENT key.
5. [Name] is selected; press the ENT key.
6. Enter a name for the berthing line. For example, the name of the harbor related to
the berthing line.
1) The input cursor is at the far-left position. Press S or T to select a character
then press the ENT key. The input cursor moves to the next input point.
2) Repeat step 1) to complete the name. To move the input cursor, use the ENT
key to move it right, the MENU/ESC key to move it left.
Note: If you do not enter a name, the message "Please enter name." appears. En-
ter a name.
7. Press the ENT key to go to the [SET] menu.
8. Press T to select the [LAT] line of [Point1] then press the ENT key.
9. Use S or T to select the first digit of the latitude position then press the ENT key.
Enter the remaining digits in the same method. (Use the ENT key to move the cur-
sor right, and the MENU/ESC key to move the cursor left.)