Teledyne API Model 465L O
Monitor Operation Manual
05509F DCN6409 45
7.2.3. DIAG Menu
The DIAG menu (See
Figure 7-2) contains functions that are useful for testing and configuring external equipment that
may be connected to the rear panel I/O of the instrument. Analog Step-Test
When placed in this mode, the instrument will automatically step the analog output (See Section
4.2.2 for details on the analog output connection) through 5 points from 0 to 100 % and display
the current value on the front panel. The operator can suspend the automatic cycling and
manually control the stepping by pressing either one of the UP / DOWN arrow buttons. To
resume automatic cycling, exit the function by pressing CFG and re-enter by pressing ENT.
The 5 points will correspond to the following analog output values depending on whether the
output is configured for 0-5V or 4-20mA:
Table 7-3: Analog Step Test Values
Point 0-5V Output 4-20 mA Output
0% 0.00 V 4 mA
25% 1.25 V 8 mA
50% 2.50 V 12 mA
75% 3.75 V 16 mA
100% 5.00 V 20 mA
Press CFG to exit from the Analog Step-Test function.