
156 Advanced
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
Keys Tab
Note: Scanner control panel options are based on the installed software version levels, driver
and OS versions in MX3X devices. Your Scanner options may or may not be as described
in this section. Contact your LXE representative to obtain current software and drivers
for your mobile device.
Parameter Default Options
Left Scan Key Scan Disabled, Scan, Enter key, Tab key, Field Exit key, Virtual
key, RFID (or RFID Read)
Right Scan Key Enter
Disabled, Scan, Enter key, Tab key, Field Exit key, Virtual
key, RFID (or RFID Read)
If there is no integrated scanner installed in the mobile device, the Left and Right Scan
Keys default to Enter keys.
On a 5250 device with an integrated scanner, the Left Scan key defaults to Scan and the
Right Scan key defaults to Field Exit key.
The Keys tab sets up what happens when one of the Scan keys are pressed. Note that both keys
can do the same or different functions.
Adjust the settings and tap the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
Assigned Function
When either scan key is set to Disabled, the mobile device does nothing when
When set to “Scan” the integrated scanner is activated. If no integrated scanner
is present, the Scan selection is greyed out.
When set to “Enter”, both the Enter key and the (Scan button) / Enter key
perform the same function.
When set to “Tab”, both the Tab key and the (Scan button) / Tab key perform
the same function.
Field Exit
5250 devices only. When a Scan key is set to “Field Exit”, the key press
causes the cursor to exit an input field. A field exit key press functions as a
Pause key press on non-5250 devices.
When set to “Virtual”, the Virtual Left scan key produces an F20 and the
Virtual Right scan key produces an F21.
When enabled, the Right Scan / Left Scan key functions as the RFID tag reader
trigger. See the “MX3-RFID Reference Guide”.
Change a Virtual Key (F20 or F21) Value
Modify the Registry using the Registry Editor (see section titled “Utilities”). LXE recommends
caution when editing the Registry and also recommends making a backup copy of the registry
before changes are made.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ LXE \ Scanner.
Set either the ScanCodeLeft or ScanCodeRight to be the scan code of the key to be used as the
virtual key when the Virtual Left key (Left Scan key) or Virtual Right key (Right Scan key) is
pressed. The registry requires a decimal value.