Advanced 161
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
The maximum number of characters that can be stripped is 99 characters for each leading and
trailing number of characters. When the Strip Leading and Strip Trailing checkboxes are blank (or
disabled), the edit controls are disabled; however the last specified number of characters to strip is
retained and dimmed.
When the number of characters to be stripped is greater than the number of characters in the
barcode a good read beep is sounded but all barcode data is discarded.
Prefix / Suffix
If Add Prefix and / or Add Suffix are combined with Strip Leading and / or Strip Trailing, the
leading and / or trailing characters are stripped before the prefix or suffix is added.
The mode for Prefix/Suffix feature is determined by the “Send Key Messages (WEDGE)” setting
in the Main tab. When checked (enabled), the prefix/suffix feature is in Key Message mode. Key
message mode sends the prefix, barcode, and suffix to the application with the focus as
keystrokes. In Key message mode all keys on the keypad can be entered.
When the “Send Key Messages” is not checked, Block mode is enabled. Block mode allows ASCII
characters (0x0 – 0x7F), plus backspace, tab, delete, return and escape. In Block mode the
prefix/suffix data is added to the beginning and end of the buffered barcode data that can then be
read by an application from the WDG: device.
Up to 19 characters can be specified for the prefix and up to 19 characters can be specified for the
suffix. The characters can be text or control characters, e.g. tab, carriage return. The characters can
be entered into the prefix and suffix text boxes by typing from the keypad, entering the key’s hex
equivalent, or entering in hat ( ^ ) encoded delimited (8-bit code table) notation.
• To enable the Prefix or Suffix processing, check the associated checkbox. When the box
is checked, the edit controls to the right are enabled. Keys/characters are typed into the
edit control following the checkbox.
• Selecting the Add button then adds the key to the associated list of keys in the read-only
edit control to the right of the Add / Clear buttons. The keys are shown as comma-
delimited strings.
• To erase the Prefix or Suffix, select the read-only edit control that contains the currently
configured Prefix or Suffix and select the Clear button.
• The Add and Clear buttons function on the control that is selected when the button is
• Hex values can be entered by preceding the two digit hex value with ‘0x’. Control
characters can also be entered using the ‘hat’ delimited notation, i.e. ^M for Carriage
• All keypad keys can be entered by typing the key. Some keypad keys are only valid if in
“Key Message” mode. For example, the Function Keys (F1, PF1) are only valid in “Key
Message” mode.