162 Advanced
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
Interaction between Strip Leading/Trailing and Prefix/Suffix Settings
1. Replacements are not done on the Prefix and Suffix, only the barcode data, for both Block
and Key Message mode. Control characters in the Prefix and Suffix are translated when
Translate All is enabled.
2. Replacements are done on the barcode data and then characters are stripped for both Strip
Leading and Strip Trailing features. As an example, suppose we have the following data
and configuration:
The barcode scanned begins with Group Separator (GS) followed by the character ‘A’
Group Separator is translated to ‘GS’
Strip Leading is set to 2
In this case, the Group Separator is translated to ‘GS’ and then the ‘GS’ is stripped by the
Strip Leading setting; rather than the Group Separator and ‘A’ being stripped.
3. If Translate All is enabled and replacements are assigned, the assigned replacements take
precedence over the default one-to-one translation enabled by Translate all. For example if
Translate All is enabled and Carriage Return is replaced by ^J, the value, 0x0d, in the
barcode (prefix and suffix) are replaced with CTRL+Shift+J instead of CTRL+Shift+M
keystrokes in Key Message mode.
4. Since the assigned replacements are applied before the Translate All is performed, if a
control character is set to ‘Ignore (drop)’ by the assigned replacements, it is discarded
before the Translate All processing is performed and is therefore not translated.
5. Since the assigned replacements are applied before the Translate All is performed, if a
control character is set to text by the assigned replacements, the text is substituted for the
control character. In this case, the control character would not be in the data processed by
the Translate All feature.
6. If the application that is accessing the Barcode Wedge in Block mode, supports Hat
encoded characters, like ^M, hat encoded characters can be assigned in the defined action
and then interpreted by the receiving application by using the ‘escape’ format described
above. The same is true for hex-encoded characters.