Key Maps 263
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
MAP Section
There will be several (4 to 7) MAP sections, each defining the keymap for a given combination of
modifier keys. The keyboard driver requires keymaps for normal (no modifiers), SHIFT only,
2ND only, and 2ND-SHIFT combined.
The CTRL modifier and ALT modifier do not have individual keymaps; the keystrokes are passed
to the operating system, which is allowed to parse these keys according to Microsoft specifications
(for example, ALT-keys are defined to only pulldown menus, with no other function).
The only recognized value names are MAP and COLxROWx (defining a key code). The only
valid values for MAP are:
MAP_NORMAL no modifier keys
MAP_2ND 2nd modifier only
MAP_SHIFT shift modifier only
MAP_2NDSHF (or) MAP_2NDSHIFT 2nd and shift modifiers together
In addition, certain keymaps are used for special adjustment functions within the keyboard driver,
via the CHANGE+mapname specification:
(or) MAP_VOLUME special keymap for volume adjustment
MAP_CONTR (or) MAP_CONTRAST special keymap for contrast adjustment
MAP_BRITE (or) MAP_BRIGHT special keymap for brightness adjustment
When these maps are selected, the keyboard driver handles the up arrow and down arrow as
adjusting the particular parameter up and down, and any other key exits the adjustment state. Keys
in these modes are handled completely inside the keyboard driver, and are not propagated to the
operating system.