262 Key Maps
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
The first section is the GENERAL section. This contains the keymap name (all numerics), as well
as the number of rows and columns in the keymap, and the algorithm for converting rows and
columns to a data byte to go into the keymap table.
MAPNAME Name of this map. This is what appears in the popup menu in the
keyboard control panel.
MAPCNT Gives the number of MAP sections (and hence keymap tables) in this
source file.
MAPCOLS Number of columns in each keymap table. This is defined by the
hardware keyboard.
MAPROWS Number of rows in each keymap table. This is defined by the hardware
ALGOR Defines the algorithm for converting row/column to internal scan code.
Current values are:
MX3X scancode = ((column << 3) + row)
Note: You must change the name of the default key map from 0409 to some other number (i.e.
0509). To do this, change line #13 “MAPNAME=0409” to “MAPNAME=0509”.
The second section is the SPECIAL section, which contains the row and column definitions for
certain modifier keys which must be processed independent of the overall keymap. Currently,
these are only modifier keys.
The only recognized names are: KEYSHIFT, KEYALT, KEY2ND, and KEYCONTROL, and
these specify the row and column of these 4 specific modifier keys, in COLxROWx format. Note
the row and column for these keys can be outside the keymap limits specified in the GENERAL
section, since these are not loaded as part of the keymap proper.