Cable connections.
Optional Speed Sensor Installation
All the units in this series can display speed and distance traveled, but
only the SeaChamp 2000
C DF comes packed with a speed sensor. If you
wish to purchase an optional additional sensor for your unit, refer to
the accessory ordering information inside the back cover of this
manual. The following instructions describe how to install the speed
Recommended tools for this job include: drill, 5/8" drill bit, 1/8" drill bit for
pilot holes, screwdriver. Required supplies for this job include: four #8
stainless steel wood screws (3/4" long), high quality, marine grade above-
or below-waterline caulking compound.
First find a location on the boat's transom where the water flow is
smoothest. Don't mount the sensor behind strakes or ribs. These will
disturb the water flow to the speed sensor. Make sure the sensor will
Sonar/GPS unit,
rear view
Sonar/power socket
Temp sensor built
into transducer
Power/transducer cable
GPS socket
Optional speed
or combination
speed/temp sensor
12 volt
temp sensor
Black wire
Red wire with
3 amp fuse