You, however, might consider experimenting with chart speed when
you are stationary or drifting very slowly. You sometimes may achieve
better images if you slow the chart speed to match how fast you are
moving across the water.
If you are at anchor, ice fishing or fishing from a dock, experiment with
a chart speed around 50 percent. If you are drifting slowly, try a chart
speed around 75 percent. When you are stationary and a fish swims
through the sonar signal cone, the image appears on the screen as a
long line instead of a fish arch. Reducing the chart speed may result in
a shorter line that more closely resembles a regular fish return.
Sonar Page menu with Chart Speed command selected (left).
The Chart Speed Control Bar (right).
If you experiment with chart speed, remember to reset it to maximum
when you resume trolling or moving across the water at higher speed.
To change chart speed:
1. From the Sonar Page, press MENU|↓ to CHART SPEED|ENT.
2. The Chart Speed Control Bar appears. Press
↓ to decrease chart
speed or ↑ to increase chart speed.
3. When it's set at the desired level, press
ColorLine lets you distinguish between strong and weak echoes. It
"paints" a brighter color on targets that return a stronger signal. This
allows you to tell the difference between a hard and soft bottom. For
example, a soft, muddy or weedy bottom returns a weaker signal, which
is shown with a narrow, colored line (dark blue tinged with red or a
little yellow.) Since fish are among the weakest echoes, they show up
mostly as blue arches. A hard bottom or other relatively hard target
returns a strong signal displayed as a wide, brightly colored line
(reddish yellow to bright yellow.)