with MM before the result
(or 0–600 mg/dL, the unit of
measure used in the United
States). Results above 33.3
mmol/L (600 mg/dL) are
displayed as high.
To select an Event number
now, follow the instructions
in Chapter 10, Recalling
Tests from Meter Memory.
3. Press the On/Off Button
to turn Meter off.
Check the Amount of Blood
on the Test Strip
Although the ONE TOUCH
II requires only a small drop
of blood, it is very
important that the drop
be of adequate size and
distributed completely
over the Test Spot.
In many cases, the
ONE TOUCH II can detect
if the drop of blood was too
small, to give an accurate
reading. If
appears, it indicates that
your drop of blood was too
small, or it was smeared
rather than dropped onto
the Test Spot. Repeat the
test with a new Test Strip
and a larger drop of blood.
Because the Meter cannot
detect all incorrectly applied
samples, it is also important
to visually inspect the used
Test Strip to make sure that
you applied enough blood:
1. After the test, remove the
Test Strip from the Meter.
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