appears while the Meter is
performing some internal
checks. Wait until apply
sample appears to continue.
(See Chapter 6, Testing Your
45 . . .0
mm 6 .3
The Meter counts down
from 45 seconds until your
result appears. Meters
intended for use in Canada
and other countries show
test results in mmol/L with
the letters MM (for mil-
limole) and a decimal point
or comma; for example:
mm 6
.3 or mm 6 ,3.
Note: mmol/L results for
Check Strip, Control
Solution, and average blood
glucose will not include the
letters MM in the display.
(To change the unit of
measure, see Chapter 9,
Setting Date, Time, and
Other Special Functions.)
In Meters intended for use
in the U.S., test results
appear with no decimal
point: 114, for example. The
unit of measure is mg/dL.
(To change the unit of
measure to millimoles per
liter (mmol/L), see Chapter
9, Setting Date, Time, and
Other Special Functions.)
3 .30 .94
3: 21pm
mm 5 .9
This is an example of a
result stored in memory.
The first message is the date
of the test (March 30, 1994).
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