The Meter is set at the
factory to display messages
in English. If you wish to
change the display to
another language, follow the
instructions on the chart on
page 60. Once a language is
selected, all of the Meter
messages will be displayed
in that language.
Selecting the unit of
measure (Unit of Measure
The Meter is set at the
factory to give results in
mmol/L (millimoles per
liter), which is the unit of
measure used in Canada. If
you wish to set your Meter
to mg/dL (milligrams per
deciliter), which is the unit
of measure used in the
United States, follow the
instructions on the chart on
page 60.
Selecting decimal point
or comma (Decimal
Point/Comma Mode)
If you choose to have results
displayed in mmol/L, you
may also want to display
the results with a comma
(6,4 mmol/L) rather than a
decimal point (6.4 mmol/L).
Select this option by
following the instructions
on the chart on page 60.
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