
• Select AM/PM or 24:00
time. The Meter is set at the
factory in AM/PM time.
•Select the type of data
management system that
the Meter will communicate
with (described on the fol-
lowing pages). The Meter is
set at the factory to com-
municate in the RS-232 Data
Management Mode.
Around the clock
The Meter has an internal
clock that will record the
date and time with each test
you perform. You must set
the clock to have the cor-
rect date and time appear
with each test result that
you recall from the Meter
memory. However, your test
results will not be affected if
you don’t set the clock.
You will need to reset the
date and time whenever
there is a change to or from
Daylight Savings Time. The
date and time of test re-
sults stored in the memory
before you set the clock,
will not change if you reset
the date and time.
LSI-97-051 OT2.bklt.C.Eg 10/8/97 3:10 PM Page 52 (1,1)