The sample was applied
before apply sample
appeared on the display.
(See Chapter 6, Testing
Your Blood.)
There has been an error in
the test procedure. Some
examples are:
1. The Test Strip moved out of the correct
position during the test and was not
repositioned before the end of the test.
2. The Test Strip was not inserted
correctly. The Test Strip must be
inserted notched end first, Test Spot side
up, and pushed all the way into the Test
Strip Holder.
3. The Test Strip was removed before the
test was completed.
4. You may not have applied enough
blood. (See Check the Amount of Blood
on the Test Strip in Chapter 6, Testing
Your Blood, for more information.)
5. The Meter was turned on in very
bright light. Move out of direct light
and repeat the test.
6. The Check Strip procedure was
incorrect. (See Chapter 3, Checking
the System.)
7. The Meter may not be operating
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