Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide How to Use the RTTest Utility 194
Process: LastStateChange: LastHeartBeat:
A agi - -- --
A cic - -- --
A csfs OK M- 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day) --
A dba OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day) 03/17 16:00:12 (30 sec)
A dbw - -- --
A lgr OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day) 03/17 16:00:17 (25 sec)
A rcv OK M- 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day) --
A rtr OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day) 03/17 16:00:15 (27 sec)
A rts OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day) 03/17 16:00:19 (23 sec)
A tsyr OK M- 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day) --
B agi - -- --
B cic - -- --
B csfs OK M- 03/11 11:08:34 (6.2 day) --
B dba OK MH 03/11 11:07:02 (6.2 day) 03/17 16:00:38 (4 sec)
B dbw - -- --
B lgr OK MH 03/11 11:08:36 (6.2 day) 03/17 16:00:17 (25 sec)
B rcv OK M- 03/11 11:08:35 (6.2 day) --
B rtr OK MH 03/11 11:07:03 (6.2 day) 03/17 16:00:15 (27 sec)
B rts OK MH 03/11 11:07:02 (6.2 day) 03/17 16:00:29 (13 sec)
B tsyr OK M- 03/11 11:07:02 (6.2 day) --
First some general information is displayed such as Router version and build date.
Then some statistics are displayed:
Current Time This is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Most telecommunications
equipment use UTC time as a common time reference.
Local Time This is ICM local time, as determined by time zone setting on the Cisco ICM
Call Router.
Router Up This is how long the Cisco ICM Call Router function has been up and running.
Router Sync This shows which side of the Cisco ICM call router last sent a state transfer to
the other side.
Within the Status Process output, LastStateChange contains these fields:
OK Signifies that the process is running fine.
M Signifies the Cisco proprietary Message Delivery Service (MDS) protocol is
used to keep the process synchronized.