June 2014
Quick Start Guide
8. Configure optional LCD display (if installed).
a. To use guided setup:
Navigate to Configure, Guided Setup, and select “Local Display Setup”.
Guided setup will automatically go through each step in the proper order.
Check the box next to each parameter to be displayed to a maximum of
four parameters. The LCD display will continuously scroll through the
selected parameters.
b. To use manual setup:
Navigate to Configure, Manual Setup, and select “Local Display Setup”.
Check each parameter to be displayed. The LCD display will continuously
scroll through the selected parameters.
9. Review transmitter configuration and place in service.
a. To review the transmitter configuration navigate using the manual setup
navigation sequences for “AI Block Unit Setup”, “Change Damping”, and
“Set up LCD Display”.
b. Change any values as necessary.
c. Return to the “Overview” screen.
d. If Mode is “Not in Service”, click on the “Change” button, and then click on
“Return All to Service”.
If hardware or software write protection is not needed, Step 10 can be skipped.
10. Set switches and software write lock.
a. Check switches (see Figure 8).
The write lock switch can be left in the locked or unlocked position. The simulate
enable/disable switch may be in either position for normal device operation.
Enable software write lock
1. Navigate from the overview screen.
a. Select “Device Information”.
b.Select the “Security and Simulation” tab.
2. Perform “Write Lock Setup” to enable Software Write Lock.
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