5.2 How to Navigate to a Saved Point
There are two methods by which to navigate to a saved point: select the point on the
screen and select the point from the [Points List].
5.2.1 How to navigate to a saved point selected on the screen
Put the cursor on the saved point then press the ENT key. Select [GOTO] then press
the ENT key. See the description on page 5-1 for the meaning of the symbols and
lines and the sequence of events in navigation to a point.
5.2.2 How to navigate to a point selected from the Points List
1. Open the [PLOTTER] menu and select [POINTS] to show the [Points List].
2. Select a point then press the ENT key to show the context-sensitive menu.
3. Select [GOTO] then press the ENT key.
5.3 How to Select a Route for Navigation
There are two methods to select a route for navigation: select the route on the screen
and select the route from the [Routes List].
5.3.1 On-screen route
Put the cursor on any route leg of the route then press the ENT key to show the con-
text-sensitive menu. Select [GOTO] then press the ENT key.
Note: If you are currently navigating a route, the message "Destination is already
present. Stop the navigation." appears. Select [YES] to stop navigation on the current
route and switch to the newly selected route, or select [NO] to continue navigation with
the current route.
After you select a route the following occurs:
Arrival area (red)
XTE alarm line
Navigation line
(yellow by
Ship icon