6. Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
This chapter describes how to apply the content-filtering features of the UTM and how to
optimize scans to protect your network. This chapter contains the following sections:
• About Content Filtering and Scans
• Configure Email Protection
• Configure Web and Services Protection
• Configure HTTPS Scanning and SSL Certificates
• Configure FTP Scanning
• Configure Application Control
• Set Exception Rules for Web and Application Access
• Set Scanning Exclusions for IP Addresses and Ports
About Content Filtering and Scans
The UTM provides very extensive web content and email content-filtering options, web
browsing activity reporting, email antivirus and antispam options, and instant alerts via email.
You can establish restricted web access policies that are based on the time of day, web
addresses, and web address keywords. You can also block Internet access by applications
and services, such as instant messaging and peer-to-peer file-sharing clients.
Note: Traffic that passes on the UTM’s VLANs and on the secondary IP
addresses that you have configured on the LAN Multi-homing screen
(see Configure Multihome LAN IP Addresses on the Default VLAN on
page 109) is also scanned for content and malware threats.
Note: For information about how to monitor blocked content and malware
threats in real time, see Monitor Real-Time Traffic, Security, and
Statistics on page 477. For information about how to view blocked
content and malware threats in the logs, see Query and Manage the
Logs on page 507.