Wireless Network Module for the UTM9S and UTM25S
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
When you have changed the country settings, the wireless network
module (not the UTM9S or UTM25S) will reboot when you click
3. Click Apply to save your settings.
Operating Frequency (Channel) Guidelines
You should not need to change the operating frequency (channel) unless you notice
interference problems, or are setting up the UTM9S or UTM25S near another wireless
access point. Observe the following guidelines:
• Wireless access points use a fixed channel. You can select a channel that provides the
least interference and best performance. In the United States and Canada, 11 channels
are available in the 2.4-GHz operating frequency and 13 channels in the 5-GHz operating
• If you are using multiple wireless access points, it is better if adjacent wireless access
points use different channels to reduce interference. The recommended channel spacing
between adjacent wireless access points is 5 channels (for example, in 2.4-GHz
operating frequency, use channels 1 and 6, or 6 and 11).
Channel Specify the channel you wish to use on your wireless LAN by making a selection
from the drop-down list. The wireless channels and frequencies depend on the
country and wireless mode. The default setting is Auto.
Note: It should not be necessary to change the wireless channel unless you
notice interference in the network (indicated by lost connections or slow data
transfers). If this happens, you might want to experiment with different channels
to see which is the best. For more information, see Operating Frequency
(Channel) Guidelines following this table.
Note: For more information about available channels and frequencies, see
Physical and Technical Specifications on page 673.
Default Transmit Power From the drop-down list, select the default transmit power:
• Full. This is the default setting.
• Half.
• Quarter.
• Eighth.
• Minimum.
Note: If the country regulation does not allow the transmit power that you select,
the power is automatically adjusted to the legally allowed power, which is then
displayed in the Transmit Power field.
Table 149. Radio Settings screen settings (continued)
Field Descriptions