waypoint, map place or POI location (
CHOOSE START command). You can
steer your position and change speed on the map by using the arrow keys
STEER WITH ARROWS command) or by setting the track and speed in the
dialog boxes provided on the simulator menu screen.
To get to the GPS Simulator:
1. Press
2. Press ↓ to
GPS SIMULATOR|ENT. The GPS Simulator Menu appears.
GPS Setup Menu (left); GPS Simulator menu (right).
Choose the desired settings, then turn the simulator on by highlighting
GPS SIMULATOR ON box and pressing ENT. Press EXIT|EXIT|EXIT to
close this menu. A message and tone appear periodically, warning you
the simulator is on. To turn the simulator off, repeat the above steps or
turn off the unit.
While in simulator mode and using the
STEER WITH ARROWS command, you
can press
EXIT to clear the steering and speed boxes from the screen.
This will allow you to use the map cursor during a simulation. To turn
steering and speed boxes back on again, return to the GPS Simulator
menu. Select the
STEER WITH ARROWS command, press ENT, then EXIT.
Simulating Trail or Route Navigation
In Simulator mode, your unit can automatically follow a trail or route
without manual steering if you use these steps:
1. From the Map Page, go to the simulator menu. Pick a
POSITION at or near the beginning of your trail/route. Enter an
TRACK (shown in compass degrees) that will point you
toward the start of the trail/route.
2. Set
SPEED to zero. Select STEER WITH ARROWS command and press ENT,
which turns on the simulator and returns you to the Map Page.
3. Begin navigating along the trail/route. (If you are close enough to the
first waypoint, the arrival alarm will usually go off as soon as