Router Discovery Protocol Commands 1001
Default Configuration
600 seconds is the default value.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (VLAN) mode.
User Guidelines
The default values of the minimum advertisement interval and the holdtime
depend on the value of the maximum advertisement interval. Setting the
maximum advertisement interval changes the minimum advertisement
interval and holdtime if those values are at their defaults; so, the maximum
advertisement interval should always be set first. If the minimum
advertisement interval has been configured to a non-default value, the
maximum advertisement interval cannot be configured to a lower value than
the minimum advertisement interval. If the holdtime has been configured to
a non-default value, the maximum advertisement interval cannot be
configured to a value larger than the holdtime.
The following example sets maximum advertisement interval at 600 seconds
for VLAN 15.
console(config)#interface vlan 15
console(config-if-vlan15)#ip irdp maxadvertinterval
ip irdp minadvertinterval
Use the ip irdp minadvertinterval command in Interface Configuration
mode to configure the minimum time, in seconds, allowed between sending
router advertisements from the interface. Use the no form of the command to
set the time to the default value.
ip irdp minadvertinterval
no ip irdp minadvertinterval