5-2 A-61133 March 2003
Setting up CAR
communication and
Before you begin processing CAR commands, CAR communication
and modes
should have previously been set up. It is suggested that you
record these settings, in case you need to change them for some
Setting up CAR
To set up CAR communication:
1. Select CAR>Setup>Communication… from the main window. The
Setup CAR Communication dialog box will be displayed:
2. Select the desired port you want to connect to. Do not select the
same port as the film controller.
3. Select the Start Sequence. The Start characters can be >>>, <<<,
@@@ or any printable ASCII character repeated three times. The
Start Sequence can also be set to None, for no Start sequence.
4. Select an End Sequence. The characters E, \, or <EOT> can be
used as the end of transmission characters and should ignore all
transmissions that follow the end of transmission character until the
next Start characters are received by the scanner. If no start
sequence is selected, then no particular end sequence needs to be