A-61133 March 2003 4-5
Setting values on the
Image Marks tab
Use the Image Marks tab to define the type of image marks on the film
associated with the application you are setting up. Do not click OK until
you have made all of your selections on all of the tabs.
1. Select the Image Marks tab.
2. Image Marks. Select the type of image marks on the film, either
ANSI/AIIM or Other.
• Select ANSI/AIIM if the image marks on the film meet ANSI
standards (such as those on film created by a Kodak
microfilmer). See Appendix A, Microfilm Information for more
information regarding image marks.
• Select Other, if the image marks were created by a non-Kodak
microfilmer and/or do not meet the ANSI standards. If you select
Other, click Setup to display the Image Marks dialog box. See
the section entitled, “Setting up non-ANSI/AIIM image marks” later
in this chapter for more information.