D-2 A-61133 March 2003
Application setup
The application setup templates represent combinations of parameter
values that have been found to provide the best retrieval results for
several typical film types. The templates are documented below
including explanations of the various settings.
Template 1
3890 Check film
This template is recommended when retrieving images from 3890
check film (50X reduction). These settings work well alone or when
using a CAR system from Carreker-Antinori, Inc., Pegasystems, Inc., or
Sterling Commerce. However, when using a system from K2
Microsystems, you will need to use settings that are compatible with the
interface that they provide.
3890 film, General tab
template settings
The information below includes only the values that are different from
the system default settings. For more information about the General
and Output tabs in Chapter 4.
Template specific settings
1. Application Name: 3890.
2. Search Program: 09.
3. File Naming Convention, “image” optional parameter (.n): 8.
Explanation of settings (see the illustration that follows)
1. Application Name: This name may be changed if desired by entering a
new name.
2. Search Program: Do not change the search program or the scanner
will not retrieve images correctly.