A-61133 March 2003 2-25
The Annotation
The Annotation toolbox allows you to specify font attributes, color and
line width, when applicable. If the Annotation toolbox is not displayed, it
can be displayed by choosing View>Annotation Toolbox. Procedures
on how to use these functions are described in Chapter 3, Using the
Software. Most of these options can also be accessed from the
Annotate menu.
NOTE: The Ellipse tool is not available in this release of software.
The following table describes the function of each button on the toolbox.
Button Description
Arrow allows you to draw a straight line with or
without an arrow head(s).
Hollow Rectangle — allows you to draw a rectangular
border around a specific area on an image.
Highlight — allows you to draw a rectangle highlighting
a specific area with a transparent color. This option
allows you to call attention to something specific on an
Redact — allows you to draw a rectangle on a
displayed image with a solid, opaque color. This allows
you to mask over some part of the image that you do
not want the recipient to see, but lets the recipient know
that information has been masked. Using the white
color provides you with “white-out” capability.
Button Description