A-61133 March 2003 B-5
Channels: duo film
In these films, the image mark sequence continues from Channel A to
Channel B (see the following illustration).
You can reduce search time by setting the last image address in
Channel B by using the keypad or by Image Management Code on the
film. With the last image address identified, the scanner can count down
in Channel B while counting up in Channel A; if the address is not set,
Channel B will be searched after Channel A. For more information see
the section entitled, “The Image Retrieval keypad” in Chapter 2 and
Appendix C, Glossary.
Table B-3 Image Marks in both channels: duo film
Image mark size Image mark size Image mark size Search program Number of levels
Small 4 1
Medium 2 1
Large 26 1
All sizes of image
Medium Small 11 2
Large and Medium Small 13 2
Large Medium 24 2
Large Medium Small 19 3
Small 28* 1
Medium Small 29* 2
Large Medium Small 30* 3
* Search Programs 28, 29, and 30 reverse the usual channel wrapping order (i.e., the code sequences wrap from Channel
B to Channel A, rather than from Channel A to Channel B).