A-61133 March 2003 7-11
To include a delay for the dial tone in the Fax Number/eMail field (as
when dialing 9 for an outside line), use one or more commas (,) as
shown in the table below. Each comma causes a 1.5 second delay.
Number of commas = Delay time (seconds)
1 1.5
2 3.0
3 4.5
4 6.0
5 7.5
6 9.0
7 10.5
8 12.0
9 13.5
10 15.0
• Both uppercase and lowercase characters are allowed in all fields
except Fax Number/eMail, where uppercase P and T are required if
• Hyphens (-) and parenthesis ( () ) are optional in the Fax Number/
eMail and Fax Number/Return eMail fields. These symbols are
ignored by the scanner and the Image Server Software.
• To obtain an outside line, in some cases you may have to prefix the
fax number with 9 or some other number. For long distance
numbers, prefix the fax number with 1. For the numeric prefixes to
use with international fax numbers refer to your local area phone
• Examples of valid fax number formats that do not include a dial tone
1 (408)555-1549
• Examples of valid fax number formats that include a dial tone delay:
9,,1 (408)555-1549
• Required fields: Recipient Fax Number/eMail address.
• Transmission settings are applicable only to faxes.
Standard Resolution: 200 x 100 dots per inch.
Fine Resolution: 200 x 200 dots per inch. Fine Resolution requires
twice as much transmission time and disk space as Standard
Resolution. However, the increased legibility of an image that
contains very fine detail may justify the use of Fine Resolution.
NOTE: The quality of the actual output also depends on the
imaging capabilities of the output fax machine.