A-61133 March 2003 4-9
3. Film Reduction. Select the Film Reduction ratio for the film used. It
is important that this value be accurate to achieve the correct print
size results. Select a value from 1 to 59.
4. Overscan. If desired, select a value in the Images Before and/or
Images After list boxes. Overscan is intended for use with single-
level check, or similar-type applications (do not use with images
larger than 8 ½” x 5” or A5).
Enter a value from 1 to 5 in the Images Before and/or Images After
fields. For example, if you enter 2 in the Images Before field, the
scanner will begin scanning 2 images before the image address you
actually requested. If you enter a number in the Images After field, it
will scan that number of images past the one you requested.
This function is useful when the image indexing is not perfectly
accurate and may be off by a few images. When used with the
Image Area definition, you will be able to view several consecutive
checks on each scan.
• The larger the scan area, the larger the file size will be to
• When Overscan values are specified, you should also enable
Auto Scan Length, to achieve the best results.
5. Image Area. Select one of the image area options Minimum,
Short, Medium, Long, Maximum and User defined. The following
illustration shows the difference between the smallest (Minimum)
and the longest (Maximum) image area options. The Short, Medium
and Long options will display an image area between the Minimum
and Maximum image area.
Minimum Image Area Maximum Image Area