4-20 A-61133 March 2003
Changing naming
convention properties
The Naming Convention Properties dialog box allows you to change the
file naming rules and the root directory where images will be saved.
From the Output tab:
From the Output tab:
1. Select Change… from the File Saving Options. The Naming
Convention Properties dialog box will be displayed.
The software automatically creates a directory on the hard drive of
the PC and names the images. If you do not create or select a
different directory, the images will be saved to this default directory.
2. Enter the desired Root Directory. The Change… button allows you
to browse for a specific folder using Windows Explorer.
• If you choose to enter the root directory directly in the Root
Directory text field, you cannot use a UNC name and you have
to map a drive. For more information, refer to Windows
Explorer on-line help, “UNC Name”, and “map a drive”.
• If you use the Change… button to select a directory, the root
directory will be entered into the field correctly.
NOTE: The directory must already exist to be selected.
3. Specify the naming convention as to how you want the files saved
in the File Naming Convention area (up to 100 characters,
including the file extension).