4-6 A-61133 March 2003
3. Image Mark Position. Select the image mark position on the film.
• Choose Lead Edge if the image marks are aligned with the lead
edge of the image.
• Choose Other if the image marks are located in any other
position than the lead edge and then select Setup… to display
the Image Mark Position dialog box. See the section entitled,
“Determining the image mark position” later in this chapter for
more information.
4. Image Mark Polarity. Select either Positive or Negative.
• Choose Positive if the image mark is clear and the film has a
black background.
• Choose Negative if the image mark is black and the film has a
clear background.
5. Count Splices. Make a selection from the Count Splices list box if
you have splices on your film. Count Splices specifies whether
splices on the film are to be counted as image marks. For more
information about film splicing, see Appendix A, Microfilm
• No — do not count splices.
• Yes, as Large — count splices as large image marks.
• Yes, as Medium — count splices as medium image marks.
• Yes, as Small — count splices as small image marks.
6. Image Management Code. Check the Enable checkbox to enable
the scanner to read Kodak’s Image Management Code (IMC). For
more information about Image Management Code see Appendix C,
NOTE: This option only works with Kodak’s Image Management