A-61133 March 2003 2-3
The File menu
The File menu provides the following options:
Open Image… — displays the Open Image dialog box, which allows
you to open a previously saved image from this application or other
applications. You cannot open multi-page TIFF files, from File>Open
Image. See Chapter 3, Using the Software for more information.
Save — allows you to save an image using the file saving options
specified in Application setup.
Save As… — displays the Save As dialog box, which allows you to save
an image with a user-specified name, format, compression and location.
See Chapter 3, Using the Software for more information.
Close — closes the image that is currently displayed and removes it
from the display.
Print… — if a printer is available on the PC you are using (either local or
via the network), a dialog box will be displayed allowing you to print using
default or modified print options including Print Annotation. The Print
function allows you to print an image, selected images or the entire
contents of a folder. The Print Options dialog box is described in
Chapter 3, “Printing an image”.
Print Setup… — if a printer is available on the PC you are using, a
dialog box will be displayed allowing you to specify default print options.
Fax … — if a fax utility is available on the PC you are using, this option
allows you to fax an image, selected images or the entire contents of a
folder. The Fax Options dialog box is described in Chapter 3, “Faxing an