A-61133 March 2003 A-3
Loading film The scanner is designed to offer optimum performance with ANSI
magazines (Kodak Ektamate Magazines, or equivalent, and Kodak
Ektamate A Magazines). In addition, the scanner accepts M-type
magazines and enclosed ANSI magazines. Enclosed ANSI magazines
may experience reduced threading performance when compared with
“open” magazines such as the Ektamate or Ektamate A magazine.
NOTE: Dual M- and Dual K-format film magazines cannot be used
with the scanner.
The different magazine loading and usage conditions for the various
magazines are detailed in the following section.
Standard ANSI
To insert the reel into the magazine:
• Orient the magazine with the slot on top and the reel opening on the
• Spread the top and bottom of the magazine slightly apart.
• Snap in the reel with the film feeding counterclockwise off the top of
the reel.
Note the proper orientation of film and magazine in the illustration below.
Ektamate and ANSI Magazines
IMPORTANT: Microfilm rolls should not have any tears or holes on any
part of the film. The first 72 inches (182 cm) of the
leading end of the film should be free of wrinkles and of
image marks or Image Management Code. Image
Management Code should not begin after 120 inches
(304 cm) of film.