A-61133 March 2003 3-13
Cropping images
Use the Crop option
to save or print only the significant part of an image.
The area inside the yellow rectangle will be retained and the area
outside the rectangle will be removed. Make any desired image
processing changes before cropping. To crop an image:
1. Place the mouse cursor at a corner of the area you want to crop.
2. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse diagonally
over the area you want to keep, then go to select Edit>Crop.
The portion of the image you drew the rectangle around will remain
displayed and fill the window.
3. Print, fax, e-mail or save the portion of the image as desired.
Setting Manual and
Automatic duplex
Duplex processing is for applications that use checks or small items.
Duplex Processing allows you to arrange the front and back sides of an
image from duplex film vertically rather than horizontally. Separate
image processing parameter values can be specified for front and back
images. The front and back images can be saved in separate files, or
together in one file.
1. From the Image Processing Control Panel, select Manual from the
Duplex Processing drop-down box.
NOTE: If Primary is selected in the Scan Area, image processing
selections will be applied to the front and back of an image.
Select Manual